Photo to Video Game Pixel Art Online Tool

Pixalate any image with this free online tool. Create your digital pixel art by uploading images on this tool.

Pencil Sketch output image

Photo to Pixel Art Converter

A pixel art image is created based on editing the pixel level of the image. Video games and mobile graphics often use pixel art. Using this online tool, you will automatically create pixel art from an image without having to arrange the pixels manually.

How to change an image into a pixel art?

Changing an image into a digital pixel art is real easy using the above tool. The Pixelate converter tool can turn any image into a video game pixel image in 3 easy steps.

  1. First, upload an image by clicking on the Upload button of the Pixalate tool.
  2. Once the image is uploaded, the tool will automatically, turn your photo into a ASCII art. You can adjust the width between the characters by using the slider.
  3. Lastly, download the image by clicking on the Download button.

Safe and Secure

This image to ASCII art tool is secured by our server-side scripts. Any photo uploaded on the server is deleted automatically once the user has ended the session.

Fast and High Quality

The image to text tool uses a simple web script that transforms the image into a character art. Your photos are converted into a art of piece in seconds.

Installation free tool

This ASCII art generator tool can run from any browser and device. It does not require any installation. All you require is a browser and an internet connection.
What is the best tool to create ASCII art from an image online for free?

You can use this website to convert all types of images to copy and paste text art in simple steps. An image can easily be converted to a drawing of banners without much hassle.

Is this tool Free? How many photos can I convert into a Keyboard art?

This text art generator is entirely free and does not have any watermark on the text image. You can convert as many photos as you want into small text art.

I don't have a laptop, can I use this tool on a Smartphone?

This tool is one of the best photo to ASCII tool. You can use it on Android/Apple iPhone smartphones, PCs and laptops, regardless of the operating system, such as Windows, iMac, and Linux. Since it is designed as a browser-based online converter, it only takes a few seconds to convert an image to a Text picture.

Is this tool safe? I want my photos to be protected.

Yes, this tool is 100% safe. All the images that you upload are deleted automatically once you leave the site. We have developed this AI tool with security and safety features in mind.

Is it difficult to create a ASCII art online with this converter?

With our online tool, you can create text art in just a few clicks, as it only requires you to upload an image, check wheather the characters reflect the picture or not and finally download the image. Unlike other tools that has many filters and options to choose from, this tool does everything automatically.

Will the text art I generate from this tool have watermark on it?

No, we don't add any watermark on the art images generated by the tool. But you can share our website with your friends and family so that they can use this tool too.

Which image format can I convert to a ASCII art by using this online tool?

A ASCII art can be made from almost any image format, as this advanced photo to text converter supports JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, PSD, BMP, etc.

What is a ASCII code?

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most commonly used character encoding format for text data in computers and on the internet.

How many ASCII codes are there?

The ASCII code consists of the numbers 0-9, the upper- and lower-case English letters A to Z, and some special characters. Almost all of the character sets used in today's computers, in HTML, and on the Internet are based on ASCII.

Do you sketch before watercolor?

Yes, the answer is yes. Not only does sketching give you a guide, but it also helps with the flow of your work and gives structure to it. This can be used to help direct the eye through the painting by creating focal points or changing values.

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