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The Perfect Face Template: How To Use It?

By Jinee


The Perfect Face Template 101

Drawing the human face with nearly perfect proportions is a big challenge. Specially for beginners, it can be a really difficult task. That's where the concept of the perfect face template helps. With a suitable template that fits your art style, you can enhance your portrait drawing skills very easily. This will help you improve your sketching skills with manifolds.

This blog will explore the concept of using a perfect face template. Whether you're an experienced artist trying a new style or a newbie seeking to learn portraits, we've got you covered! We'll guide you through the steps to unleash your artistic potential.

How Portrait Artists Use the Perfect Face Template?

Perfect Face Template

1. Using the Perfect Face Template as a Tool:

A face template is a valuable tool for all portrait artists. It provides structure and proportions to your artwork. We'll explore why a face template is essential, its benefits, and how it can help you create more accurate and realistic portraits. Discover how this foundational guide can revolutionize your approach to portrait artistry.

2. Choosing the Right Template:

Not all face templates are designed the same, and finding the perfect one for your artistic style is key. We'll discuss different types of templates, ranging from simplified geometric shapes to more detailed anatomical references. Explore various options and learn how to select a template that aligns with your vision and desired artistic outcome.

3. Understanding Proportions and Features:

A crucial aspect of using a face template is understanding the fundamentals. These include a grip over facial proportions and features. We'll delve into the key elements, such as the placement of eyes, nose, mouth, and ears, and how they relate. Unlock the secrets of achieving symmetry and balance and capturing your subject's unique characteristics.

4. Adding Personal Flair:

While a face template provides a solid foundation, your artistic touch brings the portrait to life. We'll guide you through adding your flair and style to the template, transforming it into a unique and captivating artwork. Explore techniques, from shading and highlighting to adding details and textures, allowing your creativity to shine through!

Perfecting your portrait-drawing skills takes practice and patience. We'll provide tips and exercises to help you hone your craft using the face template. Learn how to observe and study faces, experiment with different expressions and angles, and track your progress over time. With dedication and perseverance, you'll witness your artwork evolve into masterpieces.

How to Use the Perfect Face Template(for Beginners)?

Perfect Face Template

Using a perfect face template as a beginner can feel exciting and slightly overwhelming. However, with a step-by-step approach, you can ease into the process and gradually build your skills. Here's a beginner-friendly guide to help you get started:

1. Familiarize Yourself with Different Templates:

Begin by exploring various face templates available online or in art books. Look for templates that align with your desired style and level of detail. Consider templates that guide facial features such as eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Take time to examine different templates and choose one that resonates with you.

2. Print or Draw the Template:

Once you've chosen a template, decide whether to print it out or draw it yourself. Printing is a convenient option, especially for beginners, as it provides a ready-made guide to work with. Alternatively, if you enjoy drawing, you can sketch the template lightly on your drawing surface using a pencil. This option allows you to customize and adjust the template size as needed.

3. Study Facial Proportions:

Before diving into your artwork, spend some time studying facial proportions. Familiarize yourself with the relationships between different facial features and their placement on the face. Pay attention to the distance between the eyes, the positioning of the nose in relation to the eyes, and the mouth's alignment. Understanding these basic proportions will help you create more realistic and well-balanced portraits.

4. Start with Simple Sketches:

To begin using the face template, start with simple sketches. Focus on mastering the basic proportions and shapes outlined in the template. Use light, loose lines to create a rough face sketch, incorporating the template's guidelines. Remember, this is a learning process, so don't be too critical of your initial attempts. Practice regularly, and your sketches will become more accurate and refined with time.

5. Gradually Add Details:

As you gain confidence, start adding more details to your sketches. Begin by refining the facial features using the template as a reference. Observe the unique characteristics of your subject or reference photo and incorporate them into your drawing. Pay attention to small nuances such as the shape of the eyes, the curvature of the lips, and the angles of the eyebrows. Remember to work in layers, gradually building the details rather than rushing into them.

6. Experiment and Personalize:

While the face template provides a foundation, don't be afraid to experiment and inject your style into your artwork. Once you feel comfortable with the basic proportions and features, explore different shading techniques, color palettes, and textures. This is where your creativity can shine, making each portrait uniquely represent your artistic vision.

7. Practice Regularly:

Improvement comes with practice, so dedicate regular time to work on your portraits. Set aside specific practice sessions to focus on using the face template and refining your skills. Experiment with different subjects, angles, and expressions to challenge yourself. With each practice session, you'll notice growth and progress in your artwork.

Perfect Face Template

Remember, using a face template is a learning tool, not a rigid rule. Allow yourself room for experimentation and creativity. With time and practice, you'll develop your style and confidently create stunning portraits using the perfect face template as your guide.


Following the steps outlined in this guide, you've learned how to start using a template as a beginner and develop your portrait-drawing skills. It’s advised to start your practice with black-and-white pictures. In case you wish to turn any photo black-and-white, you can use our FREE tool here: Black & White Images.

Using a face template provides a solid foundation, enabling you to focus on capturing accurate proportions and features. As a beginner, you must familiarize yourself with different templates, choose one that resonates with your style, and either print it or draw it yourself. By studying facial proportions and starting with simple sketches, you can gradually build your skills and create more realistic portraits.

So, grab your tools, keep practicing, and let the perfect face template guide you as you explore the boundless world of portrait artistry. Enjoy the process, embrace your artistic potential, and watch your skills flourish!






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