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  • 30+ Instagram Birthday Story Ideas to Create Memories

30+ Instagram Birthday Story Ideas to Create Memories

By Suneha


Birthdays are special days when everyone deserves to receive tons of love and affection. Instagram is now an integral social media platform to wish someone a memorable and auspicious birthday, offering happiness and love. In this blog, we present 30+ different Instagram birthday story ideas for showering your loved one.


This blog will show different birthday story ideas for your best friend, a family member, an irreplaceable pet, and your partner. Without further ado, let us begin this journey of happiness and love!


10 Instagram Birthday Story Ideas for Your Best Friend

No matter what, you can never replace someone as true and pure as a best friend. They are always there in your life to share your happiness and your pain. They are like a shoulder you can lean on in trying times, a pillow you can hug during times when you need comfort. Hence, you should always reciprocate the love you receive and what better day can you do it than your best friend’s birthday? Here are 10+ Birthday Story Ideas for your best friend.


1. Countdown to Midnight

One of the most popular templates that you can use on Instagram is the Birthday Countdown idea. Take a memorable (or funny and meme-worthy) picture of your best friend, add in some confetti, and create a countdown to midnight to make your best friend’s birthday memorable and awesome on social media and in real life!


2. Before and After Pictures

Create before and after pictures of the party set-up made for your best friend to make their birthday amazing. Lastly, add in the real show-stopper with their glamorous birthday outfit to accentuate the party setup.


3. Photo Collage

Collages bring an essence of entertainment and gratefulness into your birthday story and wish for your best friend. Add 6-8 unforgettable moments that you have had with your best friend like a sleepover where you binge-watch movies or sports or a trip where you had fun, and many more. This makes the birthday even more special.

Also, check out: How to Make a Photo Collage on iPhone in 4 Ways


4. A Special Message

Create a special message interlaced with love, gratefulness, and creativity showing how much you care about your best friend. 


5. A Morning Surprise

Create an unforgettable birthday morning for your best friend by showing up at their door with their favorite food or a breakfast platter. You can record their reaction on camera and post it on Instagram to create a memorable chapter in their lives.


6. A Group Selfie

What’s better than showing how stylish and amazing your best friend is on camera, especially on a birthday when they are going all out on their fashion? Click a group selfie with your best friends and post it on social media with a catch tagline like “ Twenty and Thriving!” or “ Bestie turning 23 in style” and many more.

Also, check out: How To Take 0.5 Pictures: A step-by-step Tutorial


7. Throwback Stories

A nostalgic way to remember goofy things you did with your best friend at some meetup or trip, Throwback stories shed light on the good and memorable days of happiness and fun you had with your best friend. Wishing her a Happy Birthday with a Throwback to a trip or a funny day out would be a great idea, especially on a birthday. Brownie points, if you can see your best friend tear up out of joy. 


8. Your Best Friend’s Journey

Remember glow-up reels on Instagram? Try using that template, except that your best friend has always been glowing ever since you guys have been friends. Start by showing their childhood pictures and then move on to school days, extracurriculars you did together, and many more adventures you have had. Lastly, add in their current pictures and how amazing they are to be in your life before wishing them a happy and thriving birthday. 


9. Gift Unboxing

Your best friend deserves the whole world. Give them a gift that would mean a lot to them, wrap it in their favorite color, and record a video of them unboxing it to capture their priceless reaction. 


10. Personalized Notes

If your best friend is not the type to like posting on Instagram and other social media platforms, you can write them a personalized note stating how much you mean to them. For instance, you can write something like:

“Dear [Best friend’s name], I am so glad you came to my life. That was the most random encounter I have ever witnessed but I love how we immediately clicked. The universe sent me the most priceless gift I could have ever received when I bumped into you. Thank you for sharing the same radar of craziness with me. Happy 20th Birthday to you!”

You can attach a bunch of pictures and a bouquet with it to create a beautiful memory.


10 Instagram Birthday Story Ideas for Family Members

Family is the only place in your life that will shower you with unconditional love and guidance. Whether it’s your mother’s, father’s, or sibling’s birthday, reciprocate this unconditionality by using these Birthday Story Ideas. 


1. Celebrate their Wisdom

Your mother, father, or older sibling have given you a tremendous amount of guidance owing to their years of experience. Wish them a happy birthday by celebrating their wisdom and how it has helped you a lot. Create an Instagram story celebrating their roaring sixties with a beautiful and wise quote they said to you. 


2. Birthday Wishes Compilation Videos

Bring in a touch of creativity and gratitude by compiling notes and birthday wishes of people close to your family members into a video and sending this to them to see their reactions!


3. Photo Collage

Photo collages are a great way to capture the best and the most amazing moments of life. Compile 6 to 10 pictures with your family and add them to as a photo collage with a beautiful template to celebrate their birthday and post it by tagging them on social media.

Want to spice up your pictures? Check out Sketch My Pic's Photo To Cartoon Image Conversion Tool


4. Cake Reveal

Your mother or father would feel like the happiest and most special parent if you surprised them with a birthday cake reveal for their special day. 


5. A themed Story

If your parent loves something, you can create a birthday story on Instagram for them with a themed template. For example, if your father is into Space and Astronomy’ you can create something quirky with stars and nebulae and a cute astronomical message. 


6. Favorite Moments

Add a photobook presentation showing all clips, videos, and snippets of your family being in their element and having fun. Share pictures where they are holding you, talking to you, having fun at an event, and many more iconic shots! 


7. Their Journey

Show the adventurous journey that your family has undergone to show how strong and amazing they are. Add in music and fun moments tracing their hardships and happiness and emerging awesome at the end of the day! This would make an emotional and amazing birthday story idea.


8. Retro Playlist

Bring back the essence of retro music by sharing a playlist dedicated to your mother or father’s birthday! Make sure to add in their favorite classics. You can go up a notch and create a music album with their birthday celebration in it!


9. A Family Selfie

What’s better than capturing an unforgettable birthday with a family selfie? Bring in the center of attraction with their glamorous outfit and add a touch of spark to the birthday party for your family member!


10. A Personalized Gift Card

Make a gift box for the birthday girl or boy by making a family gift box where everyone adds gifts that mean the world to them and the birthday person. Add personalized notes, picture frames, and bouquets to create a wonderful surprise that will surely make their day!


10 Instagram Birthday Story Ideas for Your Partner

A partner is someone who has been there with you through thick and thin. Reciprocate your love and gratitude to them on their special day with these beautiful birthday story ideas which you can post on Instagram stories. 


1. A Walk Down Memory Lane

Bring out a romantic atmosphere with a photo journey showing how you both have known each other over the years. Capture memorable moments of being together and put them up as a photo montage, creating a walk down memory lane to relive those beautiful experiences. Here's a template example.


2. Birthday Countdown

Countdowns are a great way to show on social media that a person who means the world to you is about to celebrate their special day!


3. A Personalized Video

Tell your partner’s best friends and family to say a few things about them on their special day. Compile that into a video and send it to your partner to record their cute reaction!


4. Reasons why they are ‘The One’

There are people in this universe who believe in soulmates. Create a captivating and romantic message stating all the reasons why your partner is the one for you before ending with a “Happy Birthday, my love” quote. Add in your favorite moments together as well. 


5. Gift Unboxing

Take every one of your partner’s friends and family circle, create a video call, and ask someone to record your partner’s reaction as they unbox a gift, curated by you and their friends to create a memorable birthday moment. After all, they deserve the whole world!


6. ‘I love you’ Message

Write a beautiful ‘I love you’ message for a partner and end it with a “Happy Birthday” message. Add in some inside jokes and the dynamic you both share to make the moment more humorous and romantic!


7. Polaroid Photos

If you have a Polaroid, this birthday story idea could be great. Celebrate your partner’s birthday in style with amazing Polaroids of you both hugging and recreating awesome memories from your first date and many more. Share these on Instagram stories to make a romantic and gratitude-filled gesture. 

Also, check out: How To Make Polaroid Pictures: A detailed guide

8. Surprise Birthday

Why not capture the perfect moment of happiness with your partner by spicing up his birthday with a surprise? Bring in your favorite foods, games, and waltz to music together to make their birthday special and amazing!


9. A Love Timeline

Create a love timeline with your partner, showing how you both met and how everything has been so far, Add in iconic and nostalgic shots that explain your relationship, and lastly, do not forget to add in a happy birthday for them!


10. Personalized Notes

If your partner is the shy kind who doesn’t like public attention, why not recreate the first date you guys had together? Make this day special for both of you and even more special for the birthday person. Bring in a bouquet of flowers, polaroid pictures, a beautiful birthday cake, and many more! 


More Instagram Birthday Story Ideas

Here are more Birthday Story Ideas you could use!

1. Celebrate your Pet’s Birthday

Your pets are like your little kids who have helped you out through everything. Create a lovely birthday message for them and post it on Instagram, showing that they are the best and the only reason you believe in true love. 


2. Birthday Idea for Your Kids

You can also post your one-year-old baby’s birthday on Instagram with a cute message!

Also, check out: How to Add Multiple Photos to Instagram Story



We hope this article on amazing birthday story ideas was a fun read for you! If you liked this article, please read our blogs and share it with others!


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