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How to Draw a Sloth?

By darakshan

How To's

Sloths live a very humble life, and the way they live their lives is very intriguing. These gentle mammals are never too hurried to reach their destination and take life at their own speed. They are lazy and slow, and they really never bother their surroundings. These peaceful animals are usually found in trees, and their slow life has made them popular even in phrases - You walk like a sloth. Also, the movie Ice Age, for the character Sid, has made the animal more popular.

how to draw a sloth

People who love drawing nature usually draw sloths and use their references as drawing subjects. Many people are even wondering how to draw a sloth, and this step-by-step tutorial will help you draw the lovable lazy creature. 

How to Draw a Sloth as a Beginner?

Before drawing a sloth, you must remember the sloth has very unique face design facial features. So, let’s learn how to draw a sloth -

Start With the Head

Make an outline of the head with a rounded shape and an oval top. Make the bottom slightly flatter. Also, ensure to leave a tiny gap in the bottom. 

Draw the Face

As we have already mentioned, sloths have very unique facial features. So, your drawing must look like a sloth. Start by drawing their eyes. Make two circles for eyes, and draw two more circles in both eyes. Keep the inner circles in the inner edge of their respective eyes. Then draw a nose and a simple curved line for a mouth. Finish off the steps by adding an outer circle around the eyes and draw a curved line near the head's upper section.

Draw an Arm

Sloths have quite strong arms - which makes them accomplished climbers. Draw a curved line coming out below the head. Make it thick and rounded, and don’t forget to add claws. 

Draw the Body

The head and the arm you have drawn will help you position the body. This part will tell you how to draw a sloth body. 

Again the top line will come out of the head; also, make another arm following the abovementioned steps. Lastly, draw a pointy tail that will look like a downward triangle. Finally, draw a branch or a tree from which the sloth is hanging. 

Draw a Branch

To draw a branch, make two thin lines - a little mismatch will not do any harm. This is because branches are never the same in shape and size. 

Finish Off with the Details

Add small details that show the fur of the lazy animal. You can either sketch the picture or color them. You can also add texture to the branches. Whatever you want to do, a watercolor guide might be of help. 


The steps given above are great for beginners and doodlers. They are simple yet effective answers to your question - how to draw a sloth. You can even add some background to enhance the character. Also, you can add more sloths to make a sloth family. In addition, you can draw a forest to show a sloth lazing around on the branches. 


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