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Drawing 101: How to Draw a Unicorn?

By Jinee

How To's

Unicorns, mythical creatures of elegance and wonder, have captured the human imagination for centuries. These enchanting beings symbolize magic and dreams, making them a popular subject for artists of all ages. Whether you're a seasoned illustrator or someone looking to explore your artistic talents, this comprehensive guide will lead you through the process of creating a captivating unicorn drawing. From understanding their ethereal features to infusing your artwork with creativity, you'll learn how to bring the magic of unicorns to life on paper.


Materials You'll Need


Before you begin your artistic journey, gather these essential materials:


1. Drawing paper or sketchbook

2. Pencils (HB, 2B, 4B)

3. Eraser

4. Sharpener

5. Optional: Colored pencils, markers, or other coloring tools


Step 1: Immerse Yourself in Unicorn Aesthetics


Start by immersing yourself in images and descriptions of unicorns. Familiarize yourself with their iconic features: the single horn on the forehead, graceful body, and flowing mane and tail. This foundation will guide you in creating an authentic unicorn drawing.


Step 2: Outline the Basic Shapes


Begin your unicorn drawing by sketching the basic shapes that form its body. Draw a large oval for the unicorn's body and a smaller one for its head. Add simple shapes for the legs and hooves, ensuring you maintain proper proportions.


Step 3: Shape the Head and Features


Refine the shape of the unicorn's head by gently curving the lines of the oval. Sketch a graceful muzzle and nose, leaving space for the horn. Position two almond-shaped eyes on the head and add a small, delicate mouth.

Step 4: Create the Unicorn's Horn


Position the unicorn's horn on the forehead, right above the eyes. Draw a slender, spiral horn that tapers to a point. The horn can be twisted or curved, adding to the mythical aura.


Step 5: Sketch the Mane and Tail


Unicorns are often depicted with flowing manes and tails that radiate elegance. Sketch the mane cascading down the neck and back, and the tail trailing behind. The lines should be fluid and graceful.


Step 6: Develop the Legs and Hooves


Flesh out the legs by adding volume and shape to them. Sketch in the hooves at the bottom of each leg, paying attention to the proportion and form.

Step 7: Refine the Body and Pose


Connect the head, body, and legs using gentle curves. Experiment with the unicorn's pose, whether it's standing proudly or in a more dynamic stance.


Step 8: Detail the Face and Eyes


Add finer details to the unicorn's face. Define the eyes by adding pupils and reflections to give them life. Add eyelashes for a touch of delicacy.


Step 9: Add Flowing Details to the Mane and Tail


Unicorns are known for their flowing manes and tails. Add texture and movement to the mane and tail by sketching in wisps and strands of hair. This adds to the sense of enchantment.


Step 10: Final Touches and Review


As you approach the finishing stages, review your drawing for any adjustments. Ensure that the proportions are accurate, the lines are clean, and your unicorn embodies the magic you envisioned.

Adding Enchantment with Color: Coloring Your Unicorn Drawing


Coloring your unicorn drawing is a pivotal step that transports your artwork from the realm of lines to a vibrant and enchanting creation. Unicorns are often associated with ethereal colors and a sense of magic, making the coloring process a delightful opportunity to infuse your drawing with life and wonder. Whether you're aiming for a traditional or imaginative color scheme, these steps will guide you in bringing the mystical beauty of unicorns to life:


Step 1: Choosing Your Color Palette


Before you start coloring, take a moment to decide on the color palette that resonates with the fantasy and enchantment of unicorns. Soft pastels, iridescent shades, and dreamy hues are often used to capture their magical essence.


Step 2: Base Color for the Body


Begin by applying the base color to the unicorn's body. Whether you choose a traditional white or a whimsical pastel, use light and even strokes to cover the areas you want to color.


Step 3: Highlighting and Shading


Unicorns are often depicted with a sense of radiance. Use a lighter shade of your chosen color to highlight areas where the light naturally falls, such as the forehead, nose, and legs. Conversely, use a slightly darker shade to add shading to areas where shadows would naturally form, like under the neck and tail.


Step 4: Adding a Magical Glow


To enhance the otherworldly aura of your unicorn, consider using a pale, luminescent color to create a soft glow around the horn, mane, and tail. This technique adds to the sense of enchantment and magic.

Step 5: Coloring the Mane and Tail


The mane and tail are wonderful opportunities to experiment with colors. You can opt for a gradient effect, transitioning from one color to another, or using a mix of complementary hues to add visual interest. Use long, flowing strokes to color in the hair, maintaining a sense of movement.


Step 6: Detailing the Eyes and Features


The unicorn's eyes are windows to its soul. Choose colors that complement the overall palette and add depth by using different shades for the iris and highlights. Add a hint of sparkle to the eyes for an extra touch of magic.


Step 7: Enhancing the Horn


The unicorn's horn is a centerpiece of its beauty. Use a metallic or pearlescent color to create a shimmering effect. You can also add gradient shading to give the horn a three-dimensional appearance.


Step 8: Experimenting with the Background


Consider the environment you want your unicorn to inhabit. The background can further enhance the magical atmosphere. Use soft colors, gradients, or even abstract designs that complement the unicorn's beauty.


Step 9: Final Details and Review


As you near completion, take a step back and assess your colored unicorn drawing. Ensure that the colors blend harmoniously, the shading is consistent, and the overall composition radiates enchantment.


Step 10: Optional Creative Flourishes


Unicorns symbolize imagination and wonder, so feel free to get creative. Consider adding intricate patterns, sparkling accents, or even fantastical effects like stars or magical auras to add a touch of your personal flair.



Drawing a unicorn allows you to channel your imagination and explore the realm of fantasy. By following this comprehensive guide, you can create a unicorn drawing that captures the enchanting spirit of these mythical creatures. Embrace the opportunity to experiment with poses, details, and even colors to make your unicorn truly magical. Drawing unicorns enables you to celebrate the limitless bounds of creativity and showcase your artistic skills in a way that conjures the magic of fairy tales. So, gather your drawing tools, dive into the world of unicorns, and embark on a journey to bring the allure and splendor of these creatures to life on your canvas!


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